24 Jul Welcome to Clover Park Emilee and Joel!
We’re thrilled to welcome Emilee and Joel to the Clover Park community. As homebuyers Emilee and Joel initially entered the market looking for an established home, but changed their minds and are in the middle of building their brand new home in the Hills with two dogs in the mix and a baby on the way!
Emilee and Joel have stunning rural views at the back of their block.
Clover Park: Hey Emilee! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us you must be so busy right now…
Emilee: It’s been a busy time, we’ve started talking about inspection dates and I’m 28 weeks pregnant so I keep telling our site manager that he needs to be on time!
CP: So you’ll be moving in with a brand new baby – so exciting! Who else is moving in with you – do you have any pets?
Emilee: Yes! We have two sausage dogs Aldo and Millie. They are going to love it up here! And of course my partner Joel. We have friends in Clover Park and close by so it’s going to be great.
Emilee and Joel are moving to Clover Park with their two sausage dogs.
CP: What an adventure! You guys have secured an amazing block – tell us how did you find it?
Emilee: By sheer accident! We were actually looking to buy an established home. We looked for nine months but we were looking for something very particular. We wanted side access and room for a shed for our racing cars, jet skis and boat! So we started looking at land instead and then we fell in love with a Simonds Homes design. Simonds actually recommended Clover Park and I loved the idea as I grew up in Blackwood and wanted to be back in the Hills.
CP: Tell us about your block – it’s huge! How did you decide on this one?
Emilee: I know it’s 18m wide and 46m deep! It’s really huge and we just took it the day we saw it. We placed it on hold there and then. Our broker was fantastic so we had our pre-approvals all done and as soon as we saw it we knew it was going to be fantastic. It has room for a big shed with side access and amazing rural views. When we come up to see the block we’ve seen horses and kangaroos looking over our back fence!
CP: What are you looking forward to most about living here?
Emilee: It’s just a lot calmer up here – people are more chilled. I’m used to hustle and bustle as I work in the city but I didn’t want to come home to hustle and bustle. Clover Park feels somewhat separated from Mount Barker, even though we’re so close to everything. It has that classic country feel without losing the convenience of everything being so close. I also love it’s half way to our shack on the river and half way to the Murray Bridge Speedway.
You can follow the journey of Emilee and Joel’s dogs on Instagram at @adventures_ofaldoandmillie
CP: How was your purchasing experience – any tips for other homebuyers?
Emilee: Get a great broker – ours was so helpful. Also Brad at Clover Park was great – he responded to all of our emails straight away.
To find out more about making Clover Park home – please call Brad on 0452 136 091.